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Organic Sea Moss

Organic Sea Moss

Regular price $40.00
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Our Formula Directions

Organic Bladderwrack

  • Cardiovascular Health: Supports cardiovascular function by reducing fasting total cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL cholesterol levels.
  • Detoxification: Aids in healthy detoxification by reducing neurotoxic heavy metals in the body.
  • Immune Support: Enhances immune health by reducing inflammatory cytokines and the activation of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-A), as well as minimizing oxidative damage.
  • Cognitive Function: Supports cognitive health by reducing inflammatory cytokines in the central nervous system.
  • Gut Health: Promotes gut health by enhancing the secretion of antimicrobial peptides in the gut mucosa and regulating mucosal inflammation.

Organic Irish Sea Moss

  • Energy & Vitality: Increases energy levels and vitality through a rich nutrient profile.
  • Skin Health: Supports skin health by reducing inflammation and acne.
  • Immune Health: Enhances immune function through reduced inflammatory cytokines, TNF-A activation, and oxidative damage.
  • Nutrient Density: Provides over 92 essential vitamins and minerals in a bioavailable form to support overall health and energy.

Organic Burdock Root

  • Detoxification: Supports healthy detoxification processes in the body.
  • Cardiovascular & Skin Health: Enhances cardiovascular health and improves skin quality by promoting blood circulation to the skin's surface, combating skin diseases.
  • Immune Support: Boosts immune health with high levels of antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids that enhance both adaptive and innate immune responses.
  • Antioxidant Function: Contains antioxidant and antidiabetic compounds that provide anti-inflammatory effects and may inhibit tumor growth.

Our Formula Vs other formulas on the market.

Our Formula

  1. Uses third party independently tested ingredients that are made in the USA, GMP certified, and made in an FDA registered facility.
  2. Uses Organic Burdock root, Irish Sea Moss, and Bladderwrack formulated in an efficaciously dosed pristine formula.

Other Formula

  1. Source cheap ingredients from heavily polluted soils. Even “organic” supplements not third party tested have been removed by FDA due to high levels of heavy metals.
  2. Uses cheap and low amounts of Burdock root, Irish Sea Moss, and Bladderwrack that contain high amounts of fillers, heavy metals, and is formulated without evidence-based dosages.